Publications for Sale

Special Ed for the Gen Ed

More than 7.3 million (15%) of all public-school students ages 3-21 received special education and/or related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 2021-2022. Ninety-five percent of the students with disabilities were enrolled in regular schools with 67% of the students spending 80% or more of the school day within general education classes. Even though diverse learners who have diagnosed and sometimes undiagnosed disabilities can struggle in the classroom, it IS POSSIBLE for learning to happen. When teachers understand the nuances and impact disabilities play in the learning cycle, they can better facilitate instruction and assessment to meet the needs of their students. Special Ed for the Gen Ed: A Teacher’s Guide to Understand the Needs of Diverse Learners offers strategies and techniques that can be implemented to assist student to address their special learning needs.
This book is broken down into various sections to help the reader understand the evolution of education and the driving forces behind special education, an introduction to the study of diverse learners, types of disabilities and how they impact learning, how a student is deemed eligible for special education services, the components of an IEP and the important parts for the general education teacher, and best practices to assist diverse learners. The real measure of this book’s success is the feedback from those who read and work with it. 

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