New(er) teachers often have limited experience navigating the nuances of special education but are still required to know how to adjust their teaching to provide support, instruction, and assessment to students who receive special education services. Skills like reading an Individualized Education Program (IEP), understanding their role when invited to an IEP meeting, and the impact of a student’s disability not only on his/her learning but also how it guides educators’ instruction and assessment of a student’s academic achievement in the classroom.
Special Ed for the New(er) Teacher is a guide to help those at the beginning of their career by providing valuable information in an easy-to-use resource that answers all those important questions:
Special Ed for the New(er) Teacher Resource Guide was developed as a practical guide to help new(er) teachers to learn more about the how an IEP impacts classroom instruction and assessment, key components of the IEP, roles and responsibilities of the teacher at IEP meetings, types of disabilities and the impact to learning, special circumstances of English language learners with disabilities, accommodation and modifications in the classroom and on district/state testing, students’ present levels of academic performance and their specific goal areas, and how special education services are delivered. Written through the lens of a new(er) teacher, this resource guide could be considered a staple in every educator’s tool bag.
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